USC Aiken is a significant partner in the STEM and Cyber capital of South Carolina.
The College of Sciences and Engineering includes the departments of Biology and Geology, Chemistry and Physics, Exercise and Sports Science, Psychology, Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics.
With USC Aiken becoming the new home of the $60 million Advanced Manufacturing Collaborative, the College of Sciences and Engineering will work closely with the U.S. Department of Energy/Savannah River National Laboratory to foster scientific and technology innovation while building the next generation workforce (see above video for construction progress).
The South Carolina National Guard SCNG will be breaking ground on a new $30 million Cyber Innovation Center, which will be home of the national Guard’s Cyber Battalion.
Both facilities will provide our students with real-world opportunities to work on cybersecurity, and computer science projects.
Regional Security Operations Center is up and running!
We have already opened a Regional Security Operations Center on campus to provide students with hands-on learning opportunities in monitoring and securing USC Aiken’s network and those for local organizations, municipalities and school districts.
Donate today to support us as we grow!