National Fellowships
Invest in our students and their world-changing potential

Through the national fellowships experience at USC, life-changing opportunities await for Gamecock students. Engaging in a national fellowship application process isn’t just about winning - although at USC, our students win... a lot. They also gain trusted faculty mentors, learn the ins and outs of creating a top-tier application and develop strong interview skills with support from our national fellowships team. The combination of this support with our incredible students’ hard work and potential often results in impressive awards like the Goldwater, Truman or Fulbright.

The Gamecocks pursuing these prestigious scholarships are driven by their desire to tackle the most critical challenges facing our communities, country and the world. Your donation might support the student headed to a U.K. Summer Fulbright who will one day help solve the global climate crisis, the Goldwater recipient who discovers a new genetic marker that’s the clue to curing cancer or the Truman winner committed to public service who will make a huge difference in health care access in rural and low income areas. 

Every contribution goes directly to our support fund so that we can provide financial support for a student's fellowships experience — specifically students whose fellowships would not be possible without the added funding. This is a tremendous opportunity to quite literally change a life, lend a hand and make a student's experience complete. Help us bridge the financial gaps to ensure that USC students can take full advantage of the incredible experiences that national fellowships can provide. 

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