Get your link!

Hey there!   

Social media ambassadors are the   of Give 4 Garnet. By sharing your love for USC and encouraging others to give, you further your impact for the causes you care the most about. Your posts can inspire friends, family, and other Gamecocks to join in and give back!. Every gift, big or small, helps students, teachers, and programs grow (plus it's easy-peasy!). Together, we can make Give 4 Garnet the best one yet!

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3! 

  1. Make a gift using your personalized link!

  2. Use the sample posts in the ambassador toolkit. (Or create your own!)

  3. Share your personalized link on your social channels and with family and friends.

Sample Post & Text Message

No need to reinvent the wheel! Copy and paste one of these sample posts to easily share your ambassador link. (But we also encourage you to be creative with your own too   )

Social Media Post
Today is Give 4 Garnet, and I’d love for you to join me in giving back to USC! Your gift, no matter the size, makes a real impact. And your gift goes farther today with leaderboards and bonus funds!    Give here: #Give4Garnet

Text Message

Hey! Did you know today is Give 4 Garnet?  I'd love your support for [insert cause]. Can I send you my link to make your gift?

Exclusive Bonuses!   

As a social media ambassador you get access to exclusive challenges!  The top three ambassadors with the most donors giving through their link will win bonus funds to designate to a G4G area of their choice.  Check out the Social Media All Star Leaderboard to see who is in the lead.

Please Note: Ambassador Challenges are reserved for true peer–to–peer outreach from volunteer fundraisers. Ambassador links used in any college/unit mass communications, including social media, newsletters, or emails, will not be eligible for ambassador challenge winnings. 

Impact of Ambassadors

Last year 200+ ambassadors came together and raised more than $115,000 from 1,400 donors to support the areas the care about the most.  
