Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning
Building learners and leaders through meaningful connections.

The Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning (CIEL) leads USC’s initiative to advance undergraduate education through building a culture of integrative and experiential learning at University of South Carolina Columbia and the Palmetto College campuses.

CIEL works with a number of campus partners to promote involvement beyond the classroom through engagement in community service, research, peer leadership, and education abroad to all students

Through promoting meaningful engagements, supporting critical reflection, and providing funding for purposeful activities, CIEL supports students to make the most of their college experience while making connections across learning experiences in and beyond the classroom.

Our initiatives include:

The MyUSC Experience Database offers students access to a universe of experiential learning options that expand knowledge and cultivate professional and personal development.

The Carolina Engage Grant provides students up to $500 to engage beyond the classroom. Research shows students who participate in beyond the classroom experiences can more easily make the transition from college to the work force and are more likely to be engaged members of their communities.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction is an academic honor that recognizes students with extensive experience completing community service, internships and other work experience, education abroad, or research for demonstrating their ability to apply what they have learned to solve problems. Further, students gain a competitive advantage and demonstrate writing, critical thinking, problem solving, reflection, and leadership skills through developing an ePortfolio to share with potential employers and graduate schools. GLD appears on a student’s diploma and academic transcripts and they receive cords to wear at graduation.  

Faculty and Staff Grants promote student engagement beyond the classroom, CIEL offers three different grants to enable the development of new and revised programs, as well as collaboration between departments, offices, academic units, and student affairs. The goals of these grants include engaging more students in experiences beyond the classroom and encouraging students to reflect on their experiences.

Why your support is important

Your support of CIEL initiatives supports increased access to experiential learning opportunities for current students. These opportunities equip them with the skills, knowledge and network to accomplish their professional, academic, and personal goals.

When you give your "Give 4 Garnet" gift to the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning, you are making a lasting impact on the student experience at USC.

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Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning Match
Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning Match
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