
On Give 4 Garnet your gift can go further through leaderboards and bonuses running throughout the day, securing extra funds for your favorite area on campus!    

Please Note: Ambassador Challenges are reserved for true peer–to–peer outreach from volunteer fundraisers. Ambassador links used in any college/unit mass communications, including social media, newsletters, or emails, will not be eligible for ambassador challenge winnings. 

Active Events

Give Early
Employee Early Bird Challenge
Employee Early Bird Challenge
The college / units with the most employee donors during early giving will be awarded bonus funds.
Give Early
Apple Core Initiative Bonus
Apple Core Initiative Bonus
The first $1,000 in gifts to the Apple Core Initiative will unlock a $1,000 gift to the College of Education Carolina Fund.
$0 / $1,000 Raised
Most Raised Leaderboard
The college / units with the most money raised during G4G will be ranked in the Most Raised leaderboard!
Rank Prize College / Program Raised
1 $3,000 Student Affairs & Academic Support $1,835.00
2 $2,000 School of Music $1,500.00
3 $1,000 University Libraries $1,450.00
4 College of Social Work $1,420.00
5 College of Nursing $1,225.00
Give Early
Carolina's Cutest
Carolina's Cutest
Post a picture of your Gamecock pet with the #Give4Garnet for a chance to win $1,000 in bonus funds to designate to a G4G area of their choice! Winner will be chosen at random.
Give Early
Farthest Away Gamecock Bonus
Farthest Away Gamecock Bonus
The Gamecock with the farthest zip code from Columbia, SC will win $1,000 in bonus funds to designate to a G4G area of their choice!
Give Early
1,000th Employee Donor
1,000th Employee Donor
The 1,000th employee donor will win $1,000 in bonus funds to designate to aG4G area of their choice!
Give Early
Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning Match
Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning Match
Gifts to the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning will be matched up to $2,025!
Give Early
HRSM 350 Donors Prize
HRSM 350 Donors Prize
Once 350 donors make a gift to HRSM, $5,000 will be awarded from Sport and Entertainment Management Alumnus Sam Piccione III, class of 2002!
6 / 350 Donors
Give Early
Student Affairs Bonus
Student Affairs Bonus
Once 300 donors make a gift to any Student Affairs program $10,000 in bonus funds will be unlocked!
11 / 300 Donors
Give Early
Student Affairs Bonus
Student Affairs Bonus
Once 700 donors make a gift to any Student Affairs program another $5,000 in bonus funds will be unlocked!
11 / 700 Donors
Give Early
HRSM 250 Donors Prize
HRSM 250 Donors Prize
Once 250 donors make a gift to HRSM, $2,500 will be awarded from Dean Michael Sagas!
6 / 250 Donors
Give Early
College of Education Bonus
College of Education Bonus
The first $1,000 in gifts to the College of Education will unlock at gift of $10,000 from CarolinaLIFE donor, Dave Bollinger!
$200 / $1,000 Raised
Beat Your Best Leaderboard
The college / units with the largest percentage increase of donors over last year will be ranked in the Beat Your Best leaderboard!
Rank Prize College/ Program % +/- Percent Increase
1 $3,000 Anne Frank Center -25.00% 3
goal: 4
2 $2,000 Staff Senate -68.75% 5
goal: 16
3 $1,000 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning -72.73% 3
goal: 11
4 USC Brain Health Network -84.21% 3
goal: 19
5 First - Generation Center -85.45% 8
goal: 55
Give Early
First Time Donor Bonus
First Time Donor Bonus
One lucky first time donor will get to designate $500 in bonus funds to designate to a G4G area of their choice! Winner will be chosen at random.
Give Early
The 2-4-6 Bonus
The 2-4-6 Bonus
The 2,000th, 4,000th, and 6,000th donors will win $1,000 each in bonus funds to designate to a G4G area of their choice!
Give Early
Employee "Why I Give" Bonus
Employee "Why I Give" Bonus
Between March 21 – 27 participate on Facebook, X or Instagram by using #Give4Garnet and mention the college, program or fund of your choice. Six winners will be chosen at random to designate $1,000 each to a G4G area of their choice.
Give Early
1,500th Employee Donor Bonus
1,500th Employee Donor Bonus
The 1,500th employee donor will win $1,000 in bonus funds to designate to a G4G area of their choice!
Give Early
HRSM 150 Donors Prize
HRSM 150 Donors Prize
Once 150 donors make a gift to HRSM, $2,500 will be awarded from Retailing Alumnus Rasheed Muhammad, class of 1995!
6 / 150 Donors
Give Early
HRSM $30,000 Raised Prize
HRSM $30,000 Raised Prize
Once HRSM reaches $30,000 in donations, an additional $10,000 will be awarded from supporters Paul and Jennifer Aase!
$205 / $30,000 Raised
Give Early
Student Affairs Bonus
Student Affairs Bonus
Once 600 donors make a gift to any Student Affairs program another $10,000 in bonus funds will be unlocked!
11 / 600 Donors

Upcoming Events

Philosophy Department Match
The first $5,000 in gifts to the Philosophy Department will be matched!
Edward Joseph McGinley Endowed Scholarship Match
The first $5,000 in gifts made to the Edward Joseph McGinley Endowed Scholarship will be matched!
Employee Power Hour: 10AM - 12PM, 3/27
The unit with the most F/S donors during this timeframe will win bonus funds.
Employee Power Hour: 11AM - 1PM, 3/26
The unit with the most F/S donors during this timeframe will win bonus funds.
Power Hour: 1PM - 3PM, 3/26
The unit with the most donors during this timeframe will win bonus funds.
College / Department (52)
Student Power Hour: 7PM - 9PM, 3/26
The unit with the most student donors during this timeframe will win bonus funds.
Power Hour: 8AM - 10AM, 3/27
The unit with the most donors during this timeframe will win bonus funds.
College / Program (52)
Friends of Dance Match
The first $10,000 in gifts made to the Friends of Dance will be matched!
Social Work Match
The first $1,000 in gifts to the Social Work Carolina fund will be matched!
University Libraries Match
Dean David Banush will match the first $1,000 in gifts to the University Libraries!
USC Sumter Aldersgate Fire Ants Athletics Scholarship Match
Every gift to Aldersgate Fire Ants Athletics Scholarship Fund will be matched up to $5,000!
First Gift Bonus
The person who makes the first gift on March 26th will get to designate $500 in bonus funds to a G4G area of their choice!
Most Employees Bonus | March 26th
The area with the most employee gifts on March 26th will win bonus funds to designate to an area of their choice!
Most Employees Bonus | March 27th
The area with the most employee gifts on March 26th will win $5,000 in bonus funds to designate to an area of their choice!
Power Hour: 12PM - 2PM, 3/27
The unit with the most donors during this timeframe will win bonus funds.
College / Department (52)
Power Hour: 3PM - 5PM, 3/26
The unit with the most donors during this timeframe will win bonus funds.
College / Program (52)
Power Hour: 7AM - 11AM, 3/26
The unit with the most donors during this timeframe will win bonus funds.
College / Program (52)
Bill Schmidt University Libraries "Up the Ante" Challenge
Bill Schmidt University Libraries "Up the Ante" Challenge will unlock after the $1,200.01 is raised for the University Libraries.
$1,200 Goal
Robert V. Phillips Military Scholarship Match
All gifts to the Robert V. Phillips Military Scholarship will be matched up to $10,000!
Social Work Match
Gifts to the Social Work Carolina Fund will be matched up to $2,000!
Starts after Social Work Match
USC Press Match
All gifts made to the USC Press Student Internship Stipend Fund will be matched up to $2,500!
USC Union Student Food Pantry Match
Every gift to the USC Union Student Food Pantry Fund will be matched up to $2,500!
Give Early
Match your Gift dollar for dollar!