
Don't miss the chance to multiply your impact, thanks to gift matching opportunities from some of our most generous donors.

Past Events

Campaign Donors Leaderboard
Who's leading the way with the most number of donors?
Rank Department Donors
1 Darla Moore School of Business 1,047
2 University of South Carolina 727
3 Student Affairs & Academic Support 603
4 College of Arts and Sciences 477
5 College of HRSM 309
Donor Leaderboard
Alumni, faculty and staff members, friends, parents, students - we love them all! But what category has the most donors?
What is your affiliation with USC?
Rank Answer Donors
1 Alumnus/a 2,631
2 Faculty/Staff Member 1,134
3 Friend 837
4 Parent 677
5 Student 493
Senior Class Legacy
Seniors graduating in May 2023 who give $20.23 or more will receive a philanthropy graduation cord to wear at commencement for recognition as a USC donor.
Surprise Socks Event!
The first 500 donors to give $18.01 or more between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. will receive a pair of limited-edition USC socks!
Power Hour Challenge
Darla Moore School of Business won the Power Hour Challenge. $10,000 has been added to the Darla Moore School of Business.
Rank Prize Department Donors
1 $10,000 Darla Moore School of Business 133
2 Student Affairs & Academic Support 65
3 School of Music 49
4 School of Medicine - Columbia 40
5 College of Arts and Sciences 38
Surprise Socks Event #2!
The first 500 donors to give $18.01 or more between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. will receive a pair of limited-edition USC socks!
Campaign Dollars Leaderboard
Who's leading the way with the most dollars?
Rank Department Raised
1 College of Arts and Sciences $139,023.68
2 Darla Moore School of Business $97,927.66
3 School of Medicine - Columbia $55,000.73
4 USC Salkehatchie $55,000.00
5 University of South Carolina $52,729.02
Dollars Leaderboard
Alumni, faculty and staff members, friends, parents, students - we love them all! But who is leading the day with the most dollars donated?
What is your affiliation with USC?
Rank Answer Amount
1 Alumnus/a $419,976.29
2 Faculty/Staff Member $143,558.61
3 Friend $81,691.80
4 Parent $63,328.04
5 Student $11,640.30
Early Bird Challenge
Student Affairs & Academic Support won the Early Bird Challenge! $10,000 has been added to Student Affairs & Academic Support.
Rank Prize Department Donors
1 $10,000 Student Affairs & Academic Support 134
2 College of HRSM 64
3 College of Arts and Sciences 62
4 South Carolina Honors College 57
5 School of Medicine - Columbia 45
1801 Challenge
Elizabeth McMillan is the winner of the 1801 Challenge! $10,000 has been added to the College of HRSM.
Nursing - Dr. Mary Ann Parsons Challenge
$25,000 will be unlocked when the first 17 donors make a gift to the USC College of Nursing at Lexington Medical Center Building Fund.